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Launch Day!

Hi Everyone! Everything is launched: the youtube channel, the patreon page, and just finishing up the website. It's the first day, so obviously I don't expect any patrons or donations just yet. And of course, I need to prove myself by uploading some quality videos and by more fully articulating our mission and vision. The ultimate goal is to get my family overseas full time so that we may dedicate ourselves completely to serving the poorest of the poor. I've spent many years here in the United States working with vulnerable populations, and yes, there is plenty of work to do here -but we in the United States do not have a starvation rate. It's zero. Meanwhile in places very close to us: Haiti, Guatemala, and (only a 24 hour trip away) India -people are starving to death. Every day twenty five thousand people die of starvation, eight thousand of those being children under five...all simply because they do not have enough to eat. This is a grave injustice which must be righted. 

You may be wondering what our financial goal is for this project. We're starting small. Every dollar raised right now will go directly into an account reserved for our next mission trip which we are planning for somewhere around 10 months from now, when myself, wife, and children, plan to spend two months in either Guatemala or Peru. Living expenses are minimal, and we plan to make this trip even if zero dollars are raised. What we would like to do is have enough monthly patrons to be able to count on $350 per month, at which point we will feel comfortable quitting our life in the States and moving overseas to work with the sick and starving full time. This is obviously not much money to live on, but we do have savings which will last us a little while, and I am hoping to supplement our income by teaching English online (though this would only pay us around $8 an hour.) At any rate, right now, $350 per month is the goal. If we can hit that, we'll make the rest happen...and, of course, keep you all updated along the way with regular video updates. Thanks everyone! Peace!

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